Thursday, August 20, 2009

He's FREE!!! Look at him go!!

When we bought our new house, there was no fence. We knew that this was just one more expense in buying our new home, but one that had to be made. John got quotes from three different companies: $7,000, $6,000, $3,500. NO WAY. Surely we can do it for cheaper. Granted, if we had shelled out that much money, it would have been done faster and with much less work and stress on us... but there is a sense of pride that comes with building our own fence.

Yes, I hammered a few nails myself (the rest we did with the nail gun!) My dear old dad helped set the posts, and started the rails and pickets with John. I helped finish the pickets (finished one side solo, thankyouverymuch!) and nailing the mesh to the back split rail.

So with one VERY tired husband, we now also have one VERY happy puppy dog...

"Let me out, Mom!"

...And there he gooooooooooooooooeessss!!!!

At first he didn't know what to do. Before the fence was done, our poor pooch was sent outside on a 15 ft. cable tied to a stake in the ground. It broke my heart every time. When we finished the fence and let him go free, I had the cables all wrapped up so he wouldn't see them. I think he was a little lost, though. :)

All I had to do was yell, "Wrigley! RUN!!" And he was off...

He circled the yard, charging and darting every direction. He stopped to smell E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G, which was cute to watch.

Then he wore himself out pretty quickly:

He's a great dog though; I'm glad we could do this for him. We never expected to get Wrigley in the first place, but I do love having him for a pet... He's really part of the family, now actually!

(If you're lucky to hear it, John does a great impression of what Wrigley is thinking all the time!!)

OH WAIT!! I suppose I should show a picture of the finished product, eh?

1 comment:

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

He's running so fast he doesn't have legs in that one picture!

And did you call dad "OLD"? Ouch. Nothing says, "Wow, Dad! Thanks for your help!" like calling him old. ;)

Looks great!