Molly has tagged me to share 6 quirks... I hesitate, but swallow my pride and type away...
1) As mentioned in my ABC's, I coordinate my underwear to my outfit, most days. When necessary (white pants) I wear the appropriate underwear color. Otherwise, I will coordinate the colors of my under-roos to a color in my shirt/sweater or pants of choice. If I've done my job, my jewelry will coordinate as well, thus making one snazzy outfit! Though I don't remember my own mom telling me this, I'm pretty sure I heard Zach Morris' mom warn that you better have on clean underwear if you're ever taken to the hospital! Well, my are not only clean ma'am, they match!!
2) I'm a little OCD as well... In several places (locations) in my life, there is not only "a place for everything and everything in it's place", there is a very specific space for some things. At my office, the items on my desk are left in their rightful spot before I leave for the day. My pen will be in the groove of my keyboard, my staple under the shelf for my phone, the calculator in it's cubby, etc. At my old job, I came back from my two-week Honeymoon vacation, to find that my co-workers had moved every non-attached item on my desk 1/4 turn to the left. I noticed. I noticed every single one of them. And you better believe they were back in their position before I even set down my purse! Yes, they laughed at me. I'm okay with that.
3) I don't like washing Calphalon. This one won't surprise John, we've had many a conversation about it. I will load and unload the dishwasher 'til I'm blue in the face, but to hand-wash the Calphalon cookware is a CHORE to me in every sense of the word. I won't do it!
4) I don't like the temperature dial in the car to be on a number that isn't divisible by 2 or 5. I realize this only leaves out those numbers ending in 1, 3, 7, or 9, and that's okay. It's just a thing I do. The TV volume (if measured by number) should only be on even numbers as well. Downstairs, I feel 12 or 16 is comfortable. If the dishwasher is going or a window is open, 20 or 22 is acceptable. I couldn't say why! Upstairs, I'm comfortable with 12, unless John is trying to sleep, and then 6 is a good number. I have this down to a tried and tested science, as you can tell.
5) I hit "refresh" in my email about 86 times a day. I know that my email system (as archaic as it is: Lotus Notes) will deliver my email to me, I just like to help it along... a lot... and in a OCD-kind-of-way.
6) I will share with Molly in this one: I hate feet. I'm not particularly fond of my own, but REALLY don't like anyone else's. Baby feet are different. Even almost-toddler feet are okay--unless you happen to get some baby toe jam on your lips when you kiss those tiny cute grapes for toes! ...eww, that was a little gross. But there is a point, I'm learning with my nieces, when even little feet are yucky. (I won't mention names.) I don't even like John's feet. We've had many "kicking" fights under the covers when he thinks it's HI-larious to smother me with his socked/un-socked tootsies. NOT okay. I'll even go so far as to be very picky about what shoes I wear, because I think toe cleavage is gross. It isn't attractive, it's weird, and I don't like it. Yuck.
So... that's me. If you're reading this, you love me on some level, so don't let this post change that! I am who I am, and God made me this way--quirks and all! I'm not apologizing for my quirks, just asking that you might embrace the make-up that is ME. :) Cheers!
I'm so glad someone sees it my way on the feet thing. There's a VERY small window of time when feet are cute, like maybe 0-6 months. Then they start taking on little imperfections and things that ultimately make them very uncute (the feet, not the babies).
And your even number thing made me laugh. Jason refuses to put the car heat/air conditioner gauge in the middle where the red streak and blue streak meet. It either has to be all the way hot or all the way cold... or nothing at all. It drives me crazy.
Guess what? I hate hand-washing my Calphalon too. That's why I loved when LV lived with us: that was his job. I'd just leave it in the sink and he'd wash it all. Wonderful! But then, after years of doing it myself, I found out one day that lo and behold, they are NOT non-stick and I can just put them in the dishwasher. All that time wasted!
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