So... you know those license plate holders, or bumper stickers that announce where the driver of the car would rather be, or what they'd rather be doing...?
My question to you is: what would yours say?
Having just come back from an Orlando vacation, one might think that I don't have the right to want to be anywhere else. There are so many people that don't have time (or take the time) for regular vacations, so I should be satified that I've had TWO in the past year... right? Well, too bad. I'd still rather be somewhere else than sitting at this desk and this computer right now.
I'd rather be...
- sitting at home with my hubby doing nothing at all
- playing out in the back yard with my dog, enjoying the sunshine
- stopping by a lemonade stand (do kids still do those?) and paying more than the posted price, just to see the kid's smile
- taking all three of my nieces the park
- sitting on a patio somewhere drinking iced tea and reading
- lost somewhere in the Rocky Mountains with a blanket, umbrella and my Bible
- hanging out with my mom
- hanging out with my sisters (together or one-on-one)
- seeing a new movie in the middle of the day
- at a beach with my hubby, digging our toes in the sand and begging him to ride the waves with me
Yeah, so I think that this work thing is overrated (although the income is a nice perk), and I'd rather be a stay-at-home wife... too bad John's not on board with that. :)
It's all perspective. I'd rather be in an air-conditioned office with a cup of ice to crunch, without having to hear whiny girls tell me they don't want to pick up their toys, and then have to go clean up after one missed the potty.
But really... I wouldn't trade it. :)
Your other options do sound nice though. My girls are up for the park ANY TIME.
(Oh, and I was stunned to see an update!)
Hmmmm...right now, I'd rather be eating out. That way, I could get up and leave my mess for someone else to clean up instead of staring at a countertop full of dirty dishes. :)
Can I steal your idea for my question of the week? I'll give you full credit, I promise!
Mer, I'm completely flattered that you would want to steal my post idea... of course you can!! :)
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